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Category: Fun Facts

Lucky Foods For Extra Huat This Chinese New Year!

Lucky Foods For Extra Huat This Chinese New Year!

It’s time to stay up all night playing Mahjong, Ban Luck and many more! Did you know that there are actually several layers of symbolism at play when it comes to "lucky" Lunar New Year dishes? What the food's name sounds like when said aloud, how it's prepared, and the...
Best Colours For Good Luck In 2021!

Best Colours For Good Luck In 2021!

Do you believe that certain colours must be predominant around you to attract luck, prosperity, and health? The Chinese believe that colours resonate with particular frequencies that have different strengths and affinities from year to year. I am personally not a superstitious person, but better be safe than sorry right? ...
 CNY Dos & Don’ts!

CNY Dos & Don’ts!

Since young, I’m sure you’ve heard the various CNY superstitions and taboos you should and shouldn’t do during the 15 days of the CNY season. Today I’ll be sharing about some of them in this article, read on to find out more!
Is It Safe To Eat Fruits Before Bed?

Is It Safe To Eat Fruits Before Bed?

Do you tend to have food cravings towards the night? I know it’s really difficult to sleep it away, but if you reach out for that leftover bag of chips, you are in for trouble! The safest choice would be to have a small piece of fruit to quell the hunger....
What Happens When You Eat Too Fast?

What Happens When You Eat Too Fast?

According to new research, chewing through your food too quickly can lead to putting on weight and even trigger problems with your heart, so you may want to take more time over your next meal! 1. Weight gain

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash
Properly chewing...
Is Singapore’s tap water safe to drink?

Is Singapore’s tap water safe to drink?

Why Do Some Households Still Boil Water? Anyone who has been through National Service or participated in Uniformed Groups will brush this question off. Drinking water almost always means tap water to them. ...
Can the rain really make you sick?

Can the rain really make you sick?

So, is it true that the rain can make us sick as what our parents said and fear? I would like to believe most of us had heard about this when we were younger and forbidden to play at the playground when the rain clouds linger above us. ...
Different Types Of Milk & Their Benefits!

Different Types Of Milk & Their Benefits!

When I was young, I was only exposed to drinking cow milk - the most common type of milk drank by many. However, as I became older, I learnt about the term ‘lactose intolerant’, which led me to discover that there are many different types of milk...
The Truth About MSG

The Truth About MSG

Does Eating Late At Night Cause Weight Gain?

Does Eating Late At Night Cause Weight Gain?

Ever have your parents warn you not to eat late into the night or read it somewhere on the internet to have your dinner before 7 pm et cetera? We’ve all been there, at least for me. Skipping dinner totally just because I missed it afraid that it will bring me...
Are Potato Chips Really Unhealthy?

Are Potato Chips Really Unhealthy?

I’m sure most of us are aware of the answer but is it though? How can such a delicious snack be unhealthy yet been on the shelves for dozens of years right? Well, as much as I love potato chips, the answer to the question is a definite yes. A Boston-based Nutritionist...
Food People Normally Eat During Christmas

Food People Normally Eat During Christmas

If you haven’t already grasp the fact that Christmas is coming, you probably should. It is just a month away and therefore now is the perfect time to prepare your Christmas Eve or Christmas Day meal in advance so you won’t find yourself panicking a few days before!...
What Happens When You Eat Brown Rice Everyday?

What Happens When You Eat Brown Rice Everyday?

Rice is a versatile grain consumed by people around the world. White rice is the most commonly consumed type, but brown rice is widely recognized as a healthier option. In this article, we will be exploring the benefits of consuming brown rice!   1. High nutrient content ...
Food People Normally Eat During Deepavali

Food People Normally Eat During Deepavali

If you remember, I wrote a similar article last week on the food people normally eat during Halloween since it’s nearing, read article here:  As Deepavali is also nearing (14 Nov), here’s another article on the food people normally eat but...
Banchan: Fun Fact About South Korean Side Dishes

Banchan: Fun Fact About South Korean Side Dishes

It is said that food is a universal language, where people from all parts of the world can relate to and enjoy. And what’s so beautiful about food is how it has been introduced into the different countries over the years, such that we are able to enjoy...
Food People Normally Eat During Halloween

Food People Normally Eat During Halloween

Do you know the food people normally eat to celebrate the spooky season? Singaporeans might not be familiar because Halloween is not widely celebrated in Singapore, since it is more of an American tradition. Hence, here is a list of food often eaten during Halloween which you can...
The Cons of Dairy

The Cons of Dairy

New non-dairy milk, such as almond, coconut and many other options are intriguing and numerous. Meanwhile, traditional milk sales are dropping. People are asking, now, more than ever: Is dairy actually healthy, or is the plant-based movement worth the hype? In this article, we will be focusing mainly on the negatives...
How To Keep Your Food Fresh Longer

How To Keep Your Food Fresh Longer

Most of us are still working from home and will have more food stored at home. It is important that we know how to store our groceries well so that our food will not spoil that easily. Let us take a look at some food storage hacks to...
Food Arguments So Strong That They End Friendships

Food Arguments So Strong That They End Friendships

Have you ever gone to a foreign country and discovered that the locals do things completely differently from you? For instance, some people might not be used to others folding pizza slices, and some people eat mac and cheese with a spoon. Here are some of the polarizing food debates that we...
When Are The Best Times To Eat?

When Are The Best Times To Eat?

Have you ever wondered - when should we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner? As much as we have the freedom to schedule our own mealtimes, eating at certain time periods will benefit us. Here’s why.   Breakfast Photo by ...
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