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Category: Wellness

What Is The Best Way To Floss Your Teeth?

What Is The Best Way To Floss Your Teeth?

Flossing your teeth should be part of your night routine! Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease from the areas where a toothbrush can't reach. I know most people do not like to floss but it’s time to start taking care of your dental...
Different Types Of Milk & Their Benefits!

Different Types Of Milk & Their Benefits!

When I was young, I was only exposed to drinking cow milk - the most common type of milk drank by many. However, as I became older, I learnt about the term ‘lactose intolerant’, which led me to discover that there are many different types of milk...
The Truth About MSG

The Truth About MSG

All About Slow Eating

All About Slow Eating

Ever since young, I’ve been a fast eater. My mother would always reprimand me for eating too fast and would advise me to eat slowly. But why? Apparently, taking smaller bites, chewing each bite slower and longer, can have profound effects. In this article, I have compiled a few benefits...
Shower With Cold Or Hot Water - Which Is Better?

Shower With Cold Or Hot Water - Which Is Better?

When it comes to showers, are you someone who prefers your water cold or hot? Either way, have you wondered which is better?  In fact, both actually have their own benefits! Let’s take a look at some of them.   Cold Shower Benefit #1: Protects Skin & Hair ...
How To Make Soap From Scratch!

How To Make Soap From Scratch!

If you are someone who loves making your own cosmetics or body scrub, you might be tempted to DIY your own soap. Many DIY soap recipes require an ingredient called Lye as the base. However, lye can be hazardous to work with at home. Hence, here is a simpler and...
Make Your Own Greek Yogurt

Make Your Own Greek Yogurt

If you do not know the many health benefits of Greek yogurt, it’s about time you found out. With twice the protein, less sugar, and fewer carbs than the regular cow's milk yogurt, you should definitely try consuming Greek yogurt instead of your regular yogurt. However, it’s no...
What Happens When You Eat Brown Rice Everyday?

What Happens When You Eat Brown Rice Everyday?

Rice is a versatile grain consumed by people around the world. White rice is the most commonly consumed type, but brown rice is widely recognized as a healthier option. In this article, we will be exploring the benefits of consuming brown rice!   1. High nutrient content ...
Will You Be Healthier From Eating Salads?

Will You Be Healthier From Eating Salads?

I am sure when we want to eat healthily, we will definitely incorporate a trusty salad in our meals to help us in our wellness journey. However, it is really true that eating salads can make you healthier?   Well, the answer is yes. In fact, there are...
The Cons of Dairy

The Cons of Dairy

New non-dairy milk, such as almond, coconut and many other options are intriguing and numerous. Meanwhile, traditional milk sales are dropping. People are asking, now, more than ever: Is dairy actually healthy, or is the plant-based movement worth the hype? In this article, we will be focusing mainly on the negatives...
How To Know If You Are Lactose Intolerant?

How To Know If You Are Lactose Intolerant?

Yes, Lactose Intolerant is super common and it basically means your body cannot fully digest the sugar in milk which will cause several symptoms which I will be sharing below. This condition is harmless but it can might you feel super uncomfortable. Personally, after consuming milk, I will then have diarrhea for...
When Are The Best Times To Eat?

When Are The Best Times To Eat?

Have you ever wondered - when should we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner? As much as we have the freedom to schedule our own mealtimes, eating at certain time periods will benefit us. Here’s why.   Breakfast Photo by ...
Common Sunscreen Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Common Sunscreen Myths You Need To Stop Believing

We all know that sunscreen is important. However, there are some common myths and misconceptions surrounding sunscreens that people should be aware of before buying their next bottle. Let us look at some of the common misconceptions about sunscreen.   1. One application lasts all day. ...
Mediterranean Diet: The Healthiest Diet?

Mediterranean Diet: The Healthiest Diet?

Perhaps the world's healthiest diet, the Mediterranean diet is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil. It features fish and poultry-lean sources of protein-over red meat. Red wine is consumed regularly but in moderate amounts. It is often promoted to decrease the risk of heart disease, depression,...
Stop Squeezing Your Blackheads & Here's Why!

Stop Squeezing Your Blackheads & Here's Why!

I am sure we can all relate that blackheads are the worst. We squeeze them, but they always come back. Apparently, there are a few things that you may not know about these dark, pesky pores and the proper ways of treating them. By treating your blackheads properly, you could...
Is Your Skincare Routine In The Correct Sequence?

Is Your Skincare Routine In The Correct Sequence?

With wearing masks being an essential in our wardrobe, it is important that we are diligent enough to make skincare a routine to prevent breakouts, specifically our biggest enemy now - mask acne (also dubbed as “maskne”). But being diligent isn’t all. The order of application does matter and the...
How to Curb Your Habit of Sleeping With Lights On?

How to Curb Your Habit of Sleeping With Lights On?

Just last week, I wrote an article  on whether is it safe to sleep with lights on, read article here:  However, what if you have a habit of sleeping with lights on? To Help you curb such habit, I will be sharing with you a few tips which can hopefully...
Is It True That Strawberries Have Worms?

Is It True That Strawberries Have Worms?

Recently on TikTok there were many videos of soaking strawberries in salt water and worms will come out from the surface of the strawberries. These worms are actually known as maggots but as of now, there are no negative health effects attached to it. Yes, the sight of translucent worms crawling out...
Are You Giving Yourself Enough Self-Care?

Are You Giving Yourself Enough Self-Care?

Let’s take a moment to reflect by answering the following questions: Are you always working, with no time for yourself? Do you find yourself skipping meals, or cancelling plans to attend to work? Do you even have any me-time on your agenda?   ...
What Is Intermittent Fasting About?

What Is Intermittent Fasting About?

Plan to start a healthier lifestyle but don’t want to exercise? This is it - intermittent fasting. If you have not already tried intermittent fasting, you should. Intermittent fasting has become a health trend over the years because of the many perks, as it is said to aid in losing...
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